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perjantai 21. lokakuuta 2011

sunnuntai 11. syyskuuta 2011

Helsinki Group Show 10.9.2011/judge Nils Molin Sweden

Again our gorgeus boy Morris was BOB and got his 8th CAC. Thank you Milla & Johanna.
Fabulous dit Morris d´Ivandry

maanantai 5. syyskuuta 2011

Vantaa national show 4.9.2011/judge Harto Stockmari

Fabulous dit Morris d´Ivandry was BOB with CAC. Thank you so much Milla - you are The Best.
Fabulous dit Morris d´Ivandry

Sastamala Group show 3.9.2011/judge Tania Ahlman-Stockmari

My little girl CottonClown Jungle Queen "Anni" was her first show and she was BOB puppy. At junior class Eetu, CottonClown Hogwarts, was also with us and Eetu was Best Male 2 with CAC! This was his first CAC and I am so proud this boy. Thank you family Haanpää:) Kalle was there too but this judge didn´t like him at all so he got only Good. Anni is Kalle´s daughter and Eetu is Kalle´s son and they both have same mother Lola, CottonClown Bold´nBeautiful.
CottonClown Jungle Queen "Anni"

CottonClown Hogwarts "Eetu"

CottonClown Hogwarts "Eetu"

keskiviikko 31. elokuuta 2011

30.8.2011 at vet

Siiri and Namu was eye checked  and everything was fine. Maybe we have puppies later this year:)

21.8.2011 Heinola national show

Our boy Morris was great again. He was second best male with CAC!!! Handled by Milla. Thank you Milla. You are The Best:) Judge was Zoran Brankovic, Serbia.

29.7.2011 - 31.07.2011 Ransäter, Sweden

I had wonderful time in Ransäter with Pirjo and Larissa. Thank you ladies:) We had Namu, Kalle and Siiri with us.

30.07.2011 our results:
Best male-1 / CAC / CACIB / BOS / SE CH CottonClown Fils De Orfeo
Best male-2 / VACA-CAC / VACA-CACIB Caruso Du Castel De La Roche Aux Fees
Best female-4 Nounouche Amelia Gabble

31.07.2011 our results:
Best male-2 / VACA-CACIB CottonClown Fils De Orfeo
Best male-4 Caruso Du Castel De La Roche Aux Fees
Best female-2 / CAC / VACA-CACIB / SE CH Nounouche Amelia Gabble

Now Siiri and Namu are also SE CH! I am so proud my dogs.
Namu - CottonClown Fils De Orfeo

Namu - CottonClown Fils De Orfeo

Siiri - Nounouche Amelia Gabble

Kalle - Caruso Du Castel De La Roche Aux Fees

Kalle - Caruso Du Castel De La Roche Aux Fees

Namu - CottonClown Fils De Orfeo

Siiri - Nounouche Amelia Gabble

maanantai 11. heinäkuuta 2011

Lammi Group Show 10.7.2011

Siiri and Kalle was there with me and Kalle got VG in open class. Siiri was second best female and got her last CAC and she is now FI CH. Our judge was Harto Stockmari, Finland.


maanantai 4. heinäkuuta 2011

CottonClown Fils De Orfeo aka Namu

I got this wonderful picture to my phone. Namu is spending holiday at northern Italy with his family.

Karjaa Show 3.7.2011

Milla and Johanna was at Karjaa with Morris (Fabulous dit Morris d´Ivandry). Morris was BOB with CAC and finally this handsome boy was BIG 3! What a wonderful news. Thank you Milla for taking so good care this boy and Johanna you are great with Morris:)
Here you can see Morris and his handler Johanna Mattila at BIG ring. Thank you also to judge Hans Almgren, Sweden.
Copyright Lilli Wastimo

Tuusula Summer Show 2.7.2011

We were at Tuusula with Siiri (Nounouche Amelia Gabble) and Morris (Fabulous dit Morris d´Ivandry. Day was so so hot - +32 degrees celsius. We have nice day with Johanna, Milla, Helmi and my sister Maisa. Morris was best male 4 and Siiri was best female 4:) Our judge was Mr. Valerio Nataletti, Italy.

Morris with Johanna

tiistai 14. kesäkuuta 2011

CottonClown Gilbert INTO

9.6.2011 tuli valionarvon vahvistus joten Into on nyt Suomen Muotovalio. Into on toinen CottonClown valio ja siitä SUURI KIITOS kuuluu Johannalle:) Into valioitui Rauman näyttelyssä 14.5.2011 ollen hienosti ROP!

Into (CottonClown Gilbert) is now Finnish Champion. Huge thanks to Johanna:) Into became FI CH at Rauma show 14.5.2011 were he was BOB!

sunnuntai 29. toukokuuta 2011

Helsinki ryhmänäyttely 28.5.2011

Tuomarina meillä oli Natasha Blanusa. Mukana olivat Siiri ja Morris. Morris piti tuttuun tapaan mainetta yllä olemalla PU3 kera varasertin. Hyvä Morris:)
Siiri sai EH:n tällä kertaa, mutta esiintyi hienosti. Tuomarimme piti kovasti Morriksesta, mutta Siiri olisi saanut olla elegantimpi eikä niin raskasluustoinen. Kiitos mukavasta päivästä Milla, Johanna ja Helmi. Erityiskiitosta turkin hoidosta Millalle, joka on jaksanut hoitaa Morriksen todella runsasta ja pehmeää turkkia erinomaisesti. Siitä kiitteli myös tuomarimme. Hyvä Milla!!!

tiistai 24. toukokuuta 2011

Aptus Show Helsinki 22.05.2011

Mukana olivat junnuissa Eetu (CottonClown Hogwarts) ja Morris (Fabulous dit Morris d´Ivandryja tuloksena hienosti Eetu JUN eri2 ja Morris JUN eri1, VSP-juniori, PU3 ja serti.
Valioluokan uroksissa oli Into (CottonClown Gilbert) ja Namu (CottonClown Fils De Orfeo). Into ekaa kertaa valioissa ja tuloksena EH ja Namu hienosti PU2 ja CACIB.
Nartuissa Siiri (Nounouche Amelia Gabble) oli avoimessa luokassa hienosti AVO eri1 ja lopulta PN4 kera CACIBIN.
Tuomarina oli junnuissa Karl-Erik Johansson, Ruotsi ja muissa luokissa Juha Kares. Kiitos tuomareille!

Kiitos Eetun perheelle, Millalle ja Johannalle sekä Jennille.

Great news from Aptus Show. Eetu (CottonClown Hogwarts) was second best junior with exellent and Morris (Fabulous dit Morris d´Ivandry) was BOS-junior, Best male 3 with CAC. In Championclass Into (CottonClown Gilbert) got very good and Namu (CottonClown Fils De Orfeo) was Best male 2 with CACIB. My Siiri (Nounouche Amelia Gabble) won Open class and was Best female 4 with CACIB. I was so proud my offspring. Judges was Karl-Erik Johansson, Sweden (in junior class) and Juha Kares, Finland (other classes). Thank you to our judges!

Big thanks to Eetu´s family, Milla and Johanna and also Jenni for showing my Namu so beautifully.